Hail, wanderer! Ye have found Jotunheim, a branch of the mighty Kingdom of Summaria within the vast Empire of Medieval Pursuits. Born of the Northlands, we take our strength and spirit from the old ways of the Norse, though our hearth now burns bright in Selma, Alabama.
In Jotunheim, we gather as kin to honor the sagas of old through battle and craft. Ours is a war band, forged in steel and bound by the virtues of courage, truth, honor, and discipline. Yet, we know the worth of all hands, from the warrior to the artisan, from the shield-bearer to the weaver of tales. Together, we uphold the ancient ways: hospitality to friend and stranger, industrious toil, self-reliance, and the unyielding perseverance of our forebears.
If thy blood stirs for the clash of arms or the shaping of wonders, come! Stand with us, and let us write new sagas worthy of the gods themselves. Skål!
Meet The Team

The Baron
The Lord of Jotunheim

The Thegn
Second in Command

The Hersir
Warlord of Jotunheim

The Treasurer
Keeper of Gold